Explorer/Network Brumopoly – Sunday 6th June 2021


Welcome back to face to face Scouting by taking part in our Birmingham themed Monopoly run – BRUMOPOLY


Sunday 6th June 2021

Staggered starts from approx. 9.30am, you will be given approximately 2 1/2 hrs to complete the challenge.


For all Birmingham Explorers and Networkers – a chance to get out around the city centre and see it in a different light. In small teams you will race around the city centre, visiting different locations and answering questions, taking photos to gain points.

Everything will be organised for you and all you will need to do is turn up and take part. As part of the risk assessment for the event, each team must have a responsible adult (with valid Scouting DBS and completion of Mandatory Training).

We will also prior to the event share the event Risk Assessment with Leaders, but units should also ensure they have a generic RA in place for meeting face to face.


  1. Get yourself into teams of 4 – 6 Explorers / Networkers
  2. Get your Explorer leader to complete the form below so you can recieve all the information about the event.

This event can go towards the County Explorer event for 20 in 21,so once you have your evidence you can upload it to the evidence tracker.

| Evidence tracker | Poster

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