County Appointments


As the County continues to develop we have made some new appointments to strengthen and support the County team.

Jamal Syed has been appointed as an Assistant County Commissioner (ACC) Support and will focus on all aspects of Technology, including our use of Online Scout Manager within Birmingham. This area is becoming increasing important to the running of the County and we are pleased to have Jamal join the team to help in this specialised area in which he has a wealth of experience.

Jamie Burrell has been appointed to County Youth Commissioner following Sean Kelly’s decision to stand down from the role. Jamie has been in the Deputy CYC role for several years, has some strong experience and will be a great fit in the CYC role. We thank Sean for his contribution to this role, our first CYC in the County. Sean will continue working in the County and as is Sub Camp Lead for BrumJam2020.

Supporting Jamie as the Deputy Youth Commissioner will be Amy Keogh who has been a key figure within the County in many youth led activities and will be a great addition to the teams. We are sure that both Jamie and Amy will provide key skills in developing our contribution from our young people.

Finally, with the growing importance of communications both within the County and externally we have appointed Chris Ball as a County Communications Projects Lead. Chris already supports Cole Valley South with all things Comms and he will be particularly focused on a number of specific communications projects including our work within the Pears Project. Chris will be working alongside Amanda Cardall who will continue to lead on day-to-day comms support and social media.

You can reach our new team members by email at:

Please join us in welcoming Jamal, Jamie, Amy and Chris to their new roles within the County – please say hi to them as they go out and about in their new roles.

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