Bivouac 2018 – applications now live….


Bivouac is the annual activity weekend organised by Birmingham County Scouts, which has been specifically tailored for Scouts and Explorer Scouts. This year the event will be held on the 15th and 16th September 2018.

Bookings for the event are now open…

The activity is divided into four successively sequenced awards spanning a four year period; Training, Assessment, Junior Leader and Junior Staff, supported by a 50 strong adult team. Participants have to successfully complete each award to progress onto the next.

Each award aims to equip the young person with the skills, knowledge and experience to gain the Survival Skills Activity Badge, the Emergency Aid Activity Badge Stage 3, at the ASSESSMENT stage, in addition to earning the right to wear the distinctive and prestigious Birmingham County BIVOUAC badge appropriate to their level of the award.

Bookings for the 2018 are now being taken – online applications will be taken until the 21st March – go the County website pages to find all the details, booking forms and payments details. Click here to find all the information you need to make your booking. Don’t delay as this is a very popular County event…… please read the all the information carefully, double check that you are applying for the right award for you, and make sure your application is in on time … don’t miss out!

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