Cub BrumChallenge 2023 – registrations now open!


We are pleased to open Cub Brumchallenge for bookings! The camp will take place at Pikes Pool over the weekend of 14th – 16th July 2023. The camp is for Cubs aged 9 and a half upwards (by the date of the event)  and they will learn skills to take them into scouts.

Places are limited so make sure you get in quick, you can register your Cubs using this link ( As in previous years, leaders should book on Cubs from their group – please do not ask the Cubs to book on individually. However, please note, deposits are required to secure your bookings and are non-refundable. If a Cub withdraws, then the deposit can only be refunded if the place is filled by another Cub.

Cost for the camp is as follows: Cubs – £50.00, Leaders – £15.00, Young leaders – £15.00. Everything is included in the cost, all the activities, food and drink.

Deposits are due by 28th April 2023.

Birmingham Scouts are proud to offer fantastic events that are great value for money. However, we understand that the cost of living continues to rise. To help our Young People and adults benefit from these events we have secured funding to provide a cost-of-living support fund. This fund will reduce the cost of the event by 20%. Since this fund is limited, please only apply if the full cost of the event is preventing a Cub, young leader or leader from attending the event. You will be able to select the number of people requesting support from the fund during booking.

We look forward to seeing you at Pikes Pool in July!

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