Try it | activity permit day

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Have you ever wanted to take your Group / Section on an activity that requires a permit without the cost of hiring someone in or going to an external provider?
We have set up a day for you to come and have a taster and see what you need to do to make that happen.

There will be Activities for you to try, run by permit holders. The Assessors, Advisors and County Team will be on hand for you to ask any questions about the permit scheme and hopefully to be able to simplify the whole system for you.

The main focus will be Water (Canoe/kayak/raft) in the morning and land (Climb/abseil/cave) in the afternoon with archery, shooting and navigation activities.
Whatever level you are and whatever activity you’re interested in, please join us for a fun and informative day at our very own Blackwell Adventure facility.
There is also a FREE BBQ and a presentation from Dave Squires (CEO Blackwell Adventure).

Join us on 23rd June 2019 from 9 – 5pm and ask the questions, meet the team.

Please use the booking form to register and choose your activities – we hope to close registration the week before the event – the activities will be on a first come, first served basis so please book early to get your chosen activity.

Still not sure? Try It!!! You won’t know until you do.

To book click on the link here

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