International Scouting

International Scouting has many aspects.

Whether you are thinking of going abroad with your Scouts or looking for ideas for your weekly programme, you’ll find all the information you need on this page and using the links to the right. Remember that Scouting has been described as the World’s Greatest Peace Movement, above all “Have Fun”.

Paul Barlow

Assistant County Commissioner (International) | Birmingham

For further information or advice contact me, Paul Barlow, at

Jamborees & World Scouting

The 23rd World Scout Jamboree was held at Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi, at the southern tip of Honshu Island, Japan from 28th July to 8th August 2015. The theme was: A Spirit of Unity.
The 24th World Scout Jamboree will be held in West Virginia USA from 22nd July to 2nd August 2019. The theme is: Unlock a New World. Unit Leader selection process starts from January 2017 with Young people selection process commencing from May 2017.

Jamboree Website

Going Abroad

Taking young people abroad is one of the most exciting aspects of Scouting today. The opportunity to meet others and learn about their culture and country at first hand should be available to every young person at some time in their Scouting life.

Scouting has a fantastically good name throughout the world and opens many doors.

You will need to decide on where you are going. Links on this site can help you or get in touch with me. Let me know as soon as you can what you are thinking of doing by either phone or e–mail.

I will send you a Visits Abroad folder. This is an information pack that includes information about insurance and home contacts and other useful information depending on your plans.

Your District Commissioner will need to approve your plans, so let him or her know at an early stage.

The Visits Abroad form is returned to me and I will then let HQ know your emergency contact details (in case of disaster) and I also let the host Scouting organisation know that you are going.